Friday 1 April 2011

Weekly Gratitude

It's Friday night, just got home from a party, and I have the house to myself. The perfect time to write a gratitude post...

Thank you, Dad, for always being there. Even though you are so busy with other things at home, you helped me find a tax accountant to do my super-confusing ex-pat tax return.

Thank you, immune system. I've only been sick once this year (knock on wood), and that's pretty good considering I am in a new country and in a new school.

Thank you, Friday night work party. I actually had a chance to connect and relate with some of my co-workers, something I had worried I'd never get to do.

Thank you, Sunday yoga class. I look forward to you all week.

Thank you, husband. Sure, you haven't taken the trash out all week ;) but you make me coffee every morning and make me laugh all the time and seeing you is always the best part of my day.

Thank you MAC fluid-line eyeliner. You are the only eyeliner that will stay on for more than a couple of hours. So glad I found you. Sometimes it's just the little things, right?

"Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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